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- VLAD GAFIȚA, Iancu Flondor5
- BOGDAN PETRU NICULICĂ, 140 Years from the Birth of the University Professor Teofil Sauciuc-Săveanu. Unpublished Documents33
- MIHAI-ȘTEFAN CEAUȘU, Bukovinian Society under the Influence of Josephinist Policy (End of the 18th Century – Beginning of the 19th Century)43
- HARIETA MARECI-SABOL, SILVIA GINGHINĂ, The “Necessary Quarantine”. Rules, Ethics, and Doctors in Bukovina (1780–1860)63
- OVIDIU BÂTĂ, The Wood Industry in Bukovina. Wood Shaping Joint Stock Companies, Firms and Factories79
- ELENA PINTILEI, I. G. Sbiera to Petru Poni and Ioan Bianu. Correspondence99
- ELENA FLOREA, “Gazeta Bucovinei” and the National Struggle of the Bukovinian Romanians109
- MAGDALENA POKRZYŃSKA, Cultural Heritage in Everyday Life – Reflections from Field Research among Poles in Bukovina123
- MIRCEA A. DIACONU, War and Theater on An Open Stage (Aurel Onciul in the Years 1902, 1903, 1904, etc.)139
- CONSTANTIN UNGUREANU, Rural Population in Bukovina and Bessarabia at the Turn of the 19th–20th Centuries169
- HELENA KRASOWSKA, Polish Cultural Heritage in Bukovina and Transnistria195
- IONEL ANTIMIRESCU, The Right of Property and Administration in the Community of Vrancea209
- IHOR PIDDUBNÎI, GINA PUICĂ, Literary Fiction as Illustration of Attitudes Toward the Political Life of Romania in the Interwar Period (I)225
- MARIAN OLARU, Politics and Morals (From the Ballroom to the Parliament of Bukovina)245
- NICOLAE A. POPA, The Religious Cults from the City of Vatra Dornei (II)253
- ALIS NICULICĂ, The “Provincial Naivety” of the Last Director of the National Theatre in Chernivtsi279
- BOGDAN PETRU NICULICĂ, The Archaeology of Austrian Bukovina Seen from Across the Mountains: Some Thoughts for the Future287
- RODICA JUGRIN, Centennial of a Cultural Institution – the “I. G. Sbiera” Library of Bukovina293
- LUZIAN GEIER, Emerging Scientists Convened on Bukovina-Related Topics301
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