SIMONA-TEODORA IENACHE ADAMOVICI, Notes on the Great National Celebration in Putna from 1871 in the unpublished manuscript collections “Fond Bucovina” of the “I. G. Sbiera” Bukovina Library37
LIVIU PAPUC, The Putna Celebration in 1871 at the Forefront of the Romanian Studentsʼ National Congresses47
IOAN-GABRIEL CHIRAȘ, The Conservative Government of Lascăr Catargiu and the Putna Celebration in 1871. The Newspaper “Pressa” and the Attitude of the Executive towards this Event from Bukovina53
CONSTANTIN UNGUREANU, Migration Processes in Bukovina and Bessarabia (Until the Middle of the 19th Century)61
ALEXANDRINA POPESCU-CRUCEANU, The Ethno-Linguistic and Confessional Structure of Bukovina’s Population in the Interwar Period (1918–1940)93
SERGHEI HAKMAN, Political-Diplomatic and Military-Propaganda Preparatory Measures of the Soviet Leadership for the Accession of Bessarabia and the Northern Part of Bukovina to the U.S.S.R. (II)117
ALEXANDER WEIDLE, “The Bukovinian Germans”. The Establishment of the Communities of the Bukovinian Germans after the “Displacement”. “The Association of the Bukovinian Germans” – Ethnopolitical Entrepreneur125
NATALIYA NECHAIEVA-YURIICHUK, Transformations of the Civic Identity of the Bukovinians: the Experience of the 20th – Beginning of the 21st Centuries133
ELENA PASCANIUC, Folklore and Traditional Culture in “Junimea literară” (1904–1914)143
HARIETA MARECI-SABOL, Disease Mapping. A Brief Incursion on the Health Map of Physician Carl Denarowski161
RODICA JUGRIN, OVIDIU BÂTĂ, Traditional Buildings in Historical Bukovina (Southern Part). Legal Framework and Description177
EWA KOCÓJ, Old Calendaristsʼ Religious Minority in Romania – Contribution to the Study of the History and Cultural Heritage191
MARIA EPATOV, Ethnic Consciousness. Forms of Identity Manifestation in the Work of Bedros Horasangian213
DINU POȘTARENCU, A Trial between Iordache Ghica and Alecu Ruset-Roznovanu241
ION FILIPCIUC, The Putna Celebration and the Franco-Prussian War (1870–1871)251
BOGDAN PETRU NICULICĂ, From the History of the Archaeology in Bukovina: An Unpublished Letter from the Archaeologist Dionisie Olinescu to the Priest Constantin Morariu277
RODICA JUGRIN, Bukovinian Deputies in the Parliament of the Kingdom of Romania. Dorimedont Popovici (Parliamentary Term 1920–1922)285
Bogdan Petru Niculică, Ştefăniţa-Mihaela Ungureanu, Josef von Gutter, cel dintâi arheolog al Bucovinei şi scrisorile sale către istoricul Franz A. Wickenhauser, cuvânt înainte conf. univ. dr. Mircea Ignat, Suceava, Editura Karl A. Romstorfer, 2019, 242 p. (Monica Dejan)303
Mihai Iacobescu, Însemnări despre oameni și cărți, Iași, Editura Junimea, 2020, 242 p. (Elena Pintilei)304
Marian Olaru (coord.), Ștefănița-Mihaela Ungureanu, Cristian Alexandru Boghian, Case tradiționale din Bucovina, Editura Universității „Ștefan cel Mare”, Suceava, 2020, 149 p. + 5 p. (Cristian Alexandru Boghian)305
Mugur Andronic, Fortificațiile Bucovinei de-a lungul timpului. Bukovina fortifications over time, seria „Pagini din istoria și cultura Bucovinei”, XIX, Societatea Culturală Ștefan cel Mare-Bucovina), Suceava f.e., 2021, 184 p. + 44 planșe (Bogdan Petru Niculică)306