- MARIAN OLARU, 150 Years since the Great Celebration of All Romanians in Putna, in 18715
- ELENA PASCANIUC, Constantin Loghin (November 4, 1892 – February 23, 1961), an Intellectual Devoted to the Cultural Values of Bukovina11
- KURT SCHARR, Central State and Region: the Greek-Oriental Religious Fund17
- CONSTANTIN UNGUREANU, Colonization of Bukovina and the South of Bessarabia (until the Middle of 19th Century)27
- GABRIEL CHIRAȘ, The Putna Assembly (August, 1871), described in several periodical publications from Iași and Bucharest. Its Significance and Impact on the Romanian Society59
- HARIETA MARECI-SABOL, “The World beyond the World”. A Brief History of the Institute of Mental Illnesses in Chernivtsi67
- VASILE DIACON, Sources of Salt Water from Bukovina in the Attention of the Austrian Administration99
- SERHIY TROYAN, Foreign Policy Inspiration of Otto Von Bismark, Chancellor of The Reich: the Kingdom of Kyiv Project of Edward von Hartmann135
- CAROL-ALEXANDRU MOHR, Thus Spoke the Austrophile. A Speech of Deputy Aurel Onciul in Cisleithaniaʼs Parliament143
- SIMONA-TEODORA ADAMOVICI-IENACHE, Eusebie Popovici, founder of the Central Library of Suceava, a personality of the Suceava urban-cultural space, left in the shadow of time and history – a foray in the modern times of Suceava from the beginning of the 20th century161
- LIVIU PAPUC, Remember: Bukovinian Volunteers in Romania during the First World War175
- TATIANA MATEI, Nicolai Grămada and the Fall of Great Romania. The Fate of an Intellectual181
- RADU-FLORIAN BRUJA, From Maximilian Hacman’s Diary – Impressions of Berlin in War Time191
- VASILICĂ-DĂNUȚ HORODNIC, LUMINIȚA-MIRELA LĂZĂRESCU, Historical-geographical Considerations Concerning the Land Use Dynamics in the Frătăuții Vechi Village, Suceava County205
- MARIN GHERMAN, “Information Ghettoizations” in the Bukovinian Cross-Border Area233
- VOLODYMYR FISANOV, Bukovina: experience of the past and role in its recreation of Ukrainian-Romanian relations243
- KARINA STEMPEL-GANCARCZYK, A Language about to Dissapear – the Polish language in Mihoveni251
- RODICA JUGRIN, ȘTEFĂNIȚA-MIHAELA UNGUREANU, Built Cultural Patrimony of the Southern Part of Bukovina. Bibliographic Excurse259
- MARIA EPATOV, Historiographical metafiction. The escape in the past in Ștefan Agopian’s novels281
- MIRCEA A. DIACONU, Constantin Morariu. A Chronicle of Bukowina (I)295
- ȘTEFAN PURICI, The Destiny of a Bukovinian Crucified between Epochs and Homelands. Major-General Eduard Fischer (1862–1935)317
- NICODIM IȚCUȘ, Aspects from the School Life in Bukovina (II)333
- Vasile I. Schipor, Bucovina de lângă noi. Viața științifică, literară și artistică la început de mileniu, vol. I, II, Iași, Editura Tipo Moldova, 2019, 900 p. + 633 p. (Rodica Jugrin)343
- Dan Prisăcaru, Petre Otu, Marius Iorgulescu (coordonatori), Contribuția Armatei Române și a elitelor la apărarea și recunoașterea internațională a Marii Uniri (1918–1920), București, Editura Militară, 2020, 581 p. (Marian Olaru)347
- Cornel Ungureanu, Mitteleuropa periferiilor, ediția a 2-a, revăzută și adăugită, Timișoara, Editura „Brumar”, MMXVIII, 424 p. (Elena Pascaniuc)348
- „«Mesager bucovinean»”. Revistă de cultură pentru bucovinenii de pretutindeni”, Cernăuți – București – Rădăuți – Chișinău, serie nouă, anul XVII nr. 1–2 (65–66), 2020, 128 p. (Rodica Jugrin)350
- „«Bucovina literară». Revistă a Societății Scriitorilor Bucovineni”, Suceava, serie nouă, anul XXXI, nr. 1–2–3 (347–348–349), ianuarie – februarie – martie 2020, 126 p.; 4–5–6 (350–351–352), aprilie – mai – iunie 2020, 126 p.; 7–8–9 (353–354–355), iulie – august – septembrie 2020, 126 p.; 10–11–12, octombrie – noiembrie – decembrie 2020, 126 p. (Elena Pascaniuc)353
- OVIDIU BÂTĂ, The Scientific Events of the “Bukovina” Institute of the Romanian Academy in 2020355
- MARIAN OLARU, Gheorghe Nandriș (October 14, 1933 – August 21, 2020)361
- ELENA PASCANIUC, Writer Mircea Lutic (May 29, 1939 – September 18, 2020) Bid Farewell to This World365